As I have been in the Fitness industry, and still trying my best to jump again. I wanted to share a myth regarding “Not to have chicken before bed or at Dinner”.
There is no inherent reason why it is not good to eat chicken at night.
Chicken is a source of protein and other nutrients that can be part of a healthy diet at any time of day.
However, some people may find that eating chicken or other heavy protein-rich foods at night can disrupt their sleep or cause digestive discomfort.
This is because protein can take longer to digest than carbohydrates, and may cause a feeling of fullness or bloating that can affect sleep quality.
Additionally, it is generally recommended to eat a lighter meal at night, as the body’s metabolism naturally slows down during the evening hours.
Eating a heavy meal close to bedtime may cause digestive discomfort or make it harder to fall asleep.
Overall, it is not necessarily bad to eat chicken at night, but it is important to pay attention to how different foods affect your body and to consider the timing and portion size of your meals.
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